How to Download go1.1.1.src.tar.gz
Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. Go is also known as Golang, and it was created by Google in 2007.
download go1.1.1.src.tar.gz
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz is a source code archive of Go version 1.1.1, which was released in June 2013. You might want to download this file if you want to install Go from source on your system, or if you want to explore the source code of Go.
In this article, you will learn how to download go1.1.1.src.tar.gz, extract it, and install Go from source on your system.
Before you start, you need to have some prerequisites:
A Unix-like operating system (such as Linux, macOS, or FreeBSD)
A C compiler (such as gcc or clang)
A Git client (optional, but recommended)
A working internet connection
Downloading go1.1.1.src.tar.gz
To download go1.1.1.src.tar.gz, you need to find the download link for it on the official Go website.
The easiest way to do this is to visit , which lists all the available binary and source distributions of Go.
Scroll down until you find the section for Source, and look for go1.1.1.src.tar.gz in the table.
You will see a link for downloading the file, as well as its size and SHA256 checksum.
The checksum is a string of hexadecimal digits that represents a unique fingerprint of the file. You can use it to verify that the file you downloaded is not corrupted or tampered with.
How to download and install go1.1.1.src.tar.gz on Linux
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz source code download link
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz checksum and verification
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz release notes and changelog
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz file size and compatibility
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz download mirror and alternative
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz installation error and troubleshooting
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz upgrade and uninstall guide
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz documentation and tutorial
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz features and benefits
What is go1.1.1.src.tar.gz and why use it
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz vs other versions of Go
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz performance and benchmark
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz security and vulnerability
go1.1.1.src.tar.gz license and terms of use
How to compile go1.1.1.src.tar.gz from source
How to run go programs with go1.1.1.src.tar.gz
How to update go modules with go1.1.1.src.tar.gz
How to test and debug go code with go1.1.1.src.tar.gz
How to use go tools with go1.1.1.src.tar.gz
How to set up go environment with go1.11.src.tar.gz
How to configure go settings with go 11 src tar gz
How to use go packages with go 111 src tar gz
How to write go code with go 111 src tar gz download
How to learn go language with download 111 src tar gz
How to build web applications with download 111 src tar gz file
How to create APIs with download 111 src tar gz linux
How to develop microservices with download 111 src tar gz source code
How to deploy cloud native applications with download 111 src tar gz source file
How to use containers and Kubernetes with download 111 src tar gz linux file
How to use concurrency and parallelism with download 111 src tar gz linux source code
How to use generics and interfaces with download 111 src tar gz linux source file
How to use reflection and metaprogramming with download 111 src tar gz linux source code file
How to use error handling and logging with download 111 src tar gz linux source code file link
How to use testing and benchmarking with download 111 src tar gz linux source code file link mirror
How to use profiling and optimization with download 111 src tar gz linux source code file link mirror alternative
How to use debugging and tracing with download 111 src tar gz linux source code file link mirror alternative checksum
How to use formatting and linting with download 111 src tar gz linux source code file link mirror alternative checksum verification
How to use documentation and comments with download 111 src tar gz linux source code file link mirror alternative checksum verification guide
How to use version control and collaboration with download 111 src tar gz linux source code file link mirror alternative checksum verification guide tutorial
How to use dependency management and modules with download 111 src tar gz linux source code file link mirror alternative checksum verification guide tutorial documentation
To download the file, you can either click on the link or use a command-line tool like wget or curl.
For example, using wget:
$ wget
Or using curl:
$ curl -O
This will save the file in your current directory.
Verifying the checksum of the downloaded file
After downloading the file, you should verify its checksum to make sure it matches the one on the website.
To do this, you can use a command-line tool like sha256sum or shasum.
For example, using sha256sum:
$ sha256sum go1.11.src.tar.gz
Or using shasum:
$ shasum -a 256 go1.11.src.tar.gz
This will print out the checksum of the file.
Compare it with the one on the website, and make sure they are identical.
If they are not, it means that something went wrong during the download process, and you should try downloading the file again.
Extracting go1.11.src.tar.gz
After verifying the checksum of the file, you can proceed to extract it.
permission. For example, you can use /usr/local/go or /home/yourname/go.
You can also create a new directory for Go if you want.
Once you have decided on a location, you can extract the file using the tar command.
For example, if you want to extract the file to /usr/local/go, you can use:
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local/go -xzf go1.11.src.tar.gz
This will create a directory called go inside /usr/local/go, which contains the source code of Go.
If you don't have sudo access, you can use another location that you have write permission to, such as /home/yourname/go.
For example:
$ tar -C /home/yourname/go -xzf go1.11.src.tar.gz
Installing Go from source
After extracting the file, you can install Go from source on your system.
This involves setting up some environment variables, running a script, and testing the installation.
Setting up the environment variables for Go
You need to set up some environment variables for Go to work properly on your system.
The most important one is GOPATH, which specifies the location of your Go workspace, where you store your Go projects and packages.
You can choose any directory for your GOPATH, but it should be different from the directory where you extracted Go.
For example, you can use /home/yourname/gopath or /usr/local/gopath.
You can also create a new directory for your GOPATH if you want.
Once you have decided on a GOPATH, you need to export it as an environment variable.
You can do this by adding a line to your shell profile file, such as /.bashrc or /.zshrc.
For example:
export GOPATH=/home/yourname/gopath
You also need to add the bin directory of your GOPATH to your PATH environment variable, so that you can run the Go tools and programs from anywhere on your system.
You can do this by adding another line to your shell profile file:
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Another environment variable that you might want to set up is GOROOT, which specifies the location of your Go installation.
This is usually not necessary, as Go can figure out its own root directory from the path of the go command.
However, if you want to be explicit, or if you have multiple versions of Go installed on your system, you can set GOROOT to the directory where you extracted Go.
For example:
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
You also need to add the bin directory of your GOROOT to your PATH environment variable, so that you can run the go command from anywhere on your system.
You can do this by adding another line to your shell profile file:
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
After setting up these environment variables, you need to source your shell profile file or open a new terminal session for them to take effect.
Running the installation script
To install Go from source, you need to run a script called all.bash, which is located in the src directory of your GOROOT.
This script will compile and install Go on your system, as well as run some tests and benchmarks to check if everything is working correctly.
To run the script, you need to change your current directory to the src directory of your GOROOT, and then execute it with bash.
For example:
$ cd $GOROOT/src
$ bash all.bash
This will take some time, depending on the speed of your system and internet connection.
You will see some output on the screen, showing the progress of the installation and testing process.
If everything goes well, you will see a message like this at the end:
Testing the installation
To test if Go is installed correctly on your system, you can try running some simple commands with the go tool.
The go tool is a command-line interface that lets you perform various tasks related to Go programming, such as building, testing, running, formatting, and installing Go code.
use the go tool, you need to type go followed by a subcommand and some arguments.
For example, to check the version of Go installed on your system, you can use:
$ go version
This will print out something like this:
go version go1.11 linux/amd64
This shows that you have Go version 1.11 installed on a Linux system with an AMD64 architecture.
To see a list of all the available subcommands and options, you can use:
$ go help
This will print out a help message with a brief description of each subcommand and option.
You can also use go help followed by a specific subcommand or topic to get more detailed information.
For example, to learn more about the go build subcommand, which compiles Go packages and dependencies, you can use:
$ go help build
This will print out a help message with the usage, flags, and examples of the go build subcommand.
To test if you can compile and run a simple Go program, you can create a file called hello.go in your GOPATH with the following content:
package main
import "fmt"
func main()
fmt.Println("Hello, world!")
This is a basic Go program that prints "Hello, world!" to the standard output.
To compile and run this program, you can use the go run subcommand, followed by the name of the file:
$ go run hello.go
This will print out something like this:
Hello, world!
This shows that you have successfully compiled and run a Go program on your system.
In this article, you have learned how to download go1.11.src.tar.gz, extract it, and install Go from source on your system.
You have also learned how to set up some environment variables for Go, run the installation script, and test the installation with some simple commands and programs.
You are now ready to start writing and running your own Go programs on your system.
If you want to learn more about Go programming, here are some links for further reading and learning:
: The official Go website, where you can find documentation, tutorials, blog posts, and other resources about Go.
: A guide on how to write clear and idiomatic Go code.
: An interactive tour of Go that covers the basics and some advanced features of the language.
: A collection of annotated example programs that demonstrate various aspects of Go.
: An online playground where you can write and run Go code in your browser.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the difference between installing Go from source and installing Go from binary?
A: Installing Go from source means that you download the source code of Go and compile it on your system. This gives you more control over the installation process and allows you to customize some options. Installing Go from binary means that you download a pre-compiled executable file of Go for your system. This is faster and easier than installing from source, but it may not be compatible with some systems or configurations.
Q: How do I update or uninstall Go from source?
A: To update Go from source, you need to download the latest source code archive of Go and repeat the installation process. To uninstall Go from source, you need to delete the directory where you extracted Go and remove any references to it from your environment variables.
Q: How do I install multiple versions of Go on my system?
your system.
Q: How do I install Go from source on Windows?
A: Installing Go from source on Windows is similar to installing Go from source on Unix-like systems, but you need to use some different tools and commands. You can follow the instructions on , which explain how to install Go from source on Windows using MinGW or Cygwin.
Q: How do I install Go from source on other platforms?
A: Go supports a variety of platforms, such as Android, iOS, Plan 9, and Solaris. You can find the instructions for installing Go from source on these platforms on , which lists the supported operating systems and architectures for Go.